
Free Infertility Camp holds at Prayas Social Welfare Society

PNN/ Faridabad: Prayas Social Welfare Society organised an infertility IVF & Gyanae free checkup camp by World Infertility & IVF Centre New Delhi in Coordination with Prayas Social Welfare Society(Regd.) at Prayas Welfare Bhawan Sector-64, Mohana Road,Ballabgarh, Faridabad on Saturday.
The camp was really proved beneficial for around hundreds of spouse who were consulted by the health experts about their respective health problems.

Dr Neha Gupta (Gynecologist), and her staff checked the fertility patients and gave information related treatment.

Dr Gupta stated that previously many couples were deprived of the honour & pleasure of parenthood due to incomplete knowledge about the treatment options available for them. Worldwide, a lot of new medical technologies & treatment regime are very rapidly coming up for infertility treatment. Now it has become very easy for couples to enjoy the parenthood & the success rate of conception have considerably improved.

Dr Neha Gupta at last said a number of factors can lead couples to infertility, but not all of them are medically related. Certain lifestyle choices can affect fertility just as much, if not more, than medical conditions.
It is important for hopeful parents to practice a healthy lifestyle while trying to conceive. The lifestyle choices that both men and women make can play a large part in whether or not they can get pregnant and have a healthy child.

Most of these lifestyle issues can be resolved through a personal choice to improve. Couples should be aware of the lifestyle issues, Dr Neha Gupta stated.

During this, Prayas Social Welfare Society’s Office bearers as M.L Gupta, Founder Chairman, Ramesh Gupta, President, Dr. Subhash Sorayan, General Secretary, Pawan Kumar Gupta, Member Advisory Board, Naveen Kumar, Manager, and Dr Vinodh Madan were present on the occasion.

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Shafi Shiddique